Monday, November 7, 2011

Pete Cashmore's holiday picture 'gets social'

"Look what I found!"

When I scroled through my subscriptions on Facebook I came across this picture posted by Pete Cashmore:

Now what we see is a picture probably taken from the hotel where Pete stayed. It's a view everybody is acquinted with.

I nice view but in fact not really special.

Now take a look at the number of likes and comments!

That's right,  2186 people liked this! And even 318 took the trouble of adding a comment to it. At the time of writing this blog post the numbers are still rising.





The Comments

Now what will people add to this magnificent picture? Lets look:

Ok, the guy posts a picture, hey I do that too. But what's happening with al those people who want to add something? It's not about Pete and not about the people either. But what makes us 'like' a picture picture like this and even place a comment like "Wow!", "Where in FL?" etc.

Let's get Social

Is this being social in a sense that people 'like' that Peter Cashmore is having a great time in Florida? Is it to get close to a social media guru and hope it rubs off? Is it for their SEO purposes? Am I being cynical?

If I post a photo like that I will receive 1 maybe 2 likes, should I be worried? Would it worrie Pete if he would get only 1 or 2 likes? I don't know...

You tell me!